Hello CYCNY musicians!
Here's a step by step direction on how to record your video.
1) Download the demo songs here (or you can play by clicking on the media player below):
Full Orchestra:
String Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble
Percussion Ensemble:
We will play along with the track while recording the video. There are 2 measures of empty bars before the piece begins. You'll hear piano guide so you can hear where you are in the piece. Before recording, try playing along with the track a few times to make sure you can play in sync with the recording. Watch out for the tempo changes and ritardando - you might want to mark on your score!
2) Things you need:
a camera (a phone camera is perfectly fine. Use the back camera (the opposite side of the screen) for a better quality video). Also, please record the video sideways (so the video is WIDE, not tall).
a device to play the demo track (another phone or a computer)
a pair of headphones
Choose a well-lit and quiet room (no AC or dishwasher noise, please), and place the camera about 2 feet away from you. (For brass players: angle yourself slightly so the bell isn't facing the camera directly. For percussion players: if your part is loud, place your camera more than 6 feet away from you so the recording doesn't get too loud and distorted.)

3) Set the camera, plug headphones in the play back device, and record!
Place the camera HORIZONTALLY. When you are ready to record, start the camera first, position yourself comfortably, put on the headphone, then play the track (through the headphones) and record. Many professional recording musicians take one side of the headphones off so they can hear themselves better. This is up to you. After you are done playing the piece, stay still for a few seconds (for video editing purposes.)​ Make sure you are only recording your playing, NOT the tempo demo track. (The track should be playing ONLY though the headphones.) Don't forget the dynamics etc - pretend you are playing with other people in the orchestra!
When you are done recording, please name the file as "[song title]_[your instrument]_[your name]". (eg. OWalyWaly_Violin1_JohnSmith) and send the file via one of the following ways:
For Gmail users: yasuhiko.fukuoka@gmail.com
For Dropbox users: yaz@yahzy.com
There are free websites to transfer files like https://wetransfer.com or https://www.transfernow.net. My email is yaz@yahzy.com
If you have questions, please feel free to email me at yaz@yahzy.com or call/text me at 617.669.1387. I'lll send you a confirmation email as soon as I see the file. Please keep your films until the final video is published just in case. Looking forward to seeing your videos!
Yasuhiko (Yaz) Fukuoka